welcome to anne's corner of the world

20240804 - updates updates!

Ok, so I've completely revamped everything from what it originally was. I've added a guestbook and a chatbox and now I need to update the headers and make them more adaptive. I finished up coding the cursors for all my pages, and making sure links flow between blog entries. I'm adjusting padding and font-sizes, and overall just trying to make this place as possible.

I've also changed the font from monospace to "Trebuchet MS" for a cleaner look. I'm currently looking for more fonts to change it to, but this one is it for now. I'm trying to find a nice monospace one, but this one matches my guestbook, so it'll do.

I really want to make more pages, but I'm running out of ideas. I have an interests page I need to flesh out more, and then these individual blog posts. I could do reviews? Although that would be a part of interests. There's also starting to look more into the personal web etiquette, with links and flashing buttons and community and all that.

So again, not much of a life update. Simply a "what is Anne gonna do with the site" update.

If you're reading this, you're a star! ⭐️